Spreading highly contiguous delta variant of COVID-19 increases the risk of breakthrough infections even among fully vaccinated individuals.
Nowadays, we heard about breakthrough infections among fully vaccinated individuals. These kind of news can spread distrust on vaccines in society and un-vaccinated individuals may hesitate to go for COVID-19 vaccination.
What Is Breakthrough Infections and Why Is It Important?
Most scientist believed that COVID-19 vaccines are the best tools to control and end the global pandemic but nowadays breakthrough infections have changed most of these assumptions.
Being Vaccinated against Covid-19 : A Step to Stop Coronavirus Spreading
Breakthrough infections among fully vaccinated individuals means you are a COVID-19 positive even getting two doses of vaccine and have passed 2 weeks after your second dose.
It seems highly contiguous delta variant might be the main factor of these breakthrough infections incidences. This is the reason that CDC suggested fully vaccinated people to wear mask indoors again.
Dose Breakthrough Infections Means Vaccine Dose Not Work?
But remember breakthrough infections among fully vaccinated Individuals doesn’t mean that vaccine didn’t work. I have read a tweet from Dr. Jerome Adams clarifying this issue with an example as follow:
“Think of the virus like the ocean, the vaccine like a life vest…. You may still get wet…, but your life vest ([the] vaccine) significantly lessens the chance you’ll drown“
So why we do not focus on correlations of COVID-19 vaccine and mortality?! Recently a cohort study have been done among Los Angeles residents aged 16 and older. From 43,000 COVID-19 cases, still 71.4%, were in unvaccinated individuals. The hospitalization statistic among infected fully vaccinated individuals were 3.2%. Most important is only 0.05% were admitted to an intensive care unit and 0.25% were placed on a ventilator.
So please if you have a chance to get COVID-19 shot, do not miss it. And do not forget to follow SOPs until we succeed to control the pandemic.